As the name implies, this is a bibliography which has been annotated. Remember the texts you choose for this task will be part of the set of texts you draw upon to prepare your draft of a professional journal article. So the annotations, apart from providing you with a good sense of the nuts and bolts of the text will also contain some indication of how it contributes to the issue you are exploring for the paper. These are more like notes to self, e.g. The paper has an excellent explanation of the history of corporal punishment in schools. I imagine this will be important for my draft. It may also link to other papers in your collection, e.g. This paper provides a handy contrast to the views expressed by Bloggs et al. (2005). The two papers taken together could give me a useful framework for developing my analysis of the use of coloured chalk in classrooms.
There is no shortage of freely available advice about what an annotated bibliography is and how to prepare one. Here are some sites that provide good quality advice and information:
UNSW Academic Skills Resources
Cornell University Library
University of Melbourne Courseworks
University of Canberra Academic Skills Centre
CalPoly Library Services
University of North Carolina
University of Toronto
This is a good example of what an annotated ref. looks like. You can use different formats but the main thing is that each source dealt with has an annotation.
If you come across a useful resource and would like to add it, feel free to do so. If you click on the edit button you will see how the link needs to be formatted in this Wiki.
There are plenty of examples online also. You will have come across some in the list above. Just be careful to note that not all of them will format the references using APA 6th.
Purdue University Online Writing Lab
University of North Carolina
CalPoly Library Services