Notes for criterion 2

2. Critical Engagement with the literature

Did the paper provide evidence of a clear and well defined search strategy to explore the topic identified? Were the key concerns of current literature in this field identified? Did the paper provide evidence of wide and critical reading of the research literature and make use of relevant research literature in the annotations to provide a summary, critical comment and identify relevance for current research on this topic?

The term paper refers to your annotated bibliography as a whole. Your annotations need to show that you have read, thought and and been able to position each source of research into the issue you have chosen. Each annotation should indicate the relevance, importance or significance to the issue you are exploring. Don't write bland things like this research is useful for my paper. Instead, make an argument about why the research you are citing is important. The advice that is on the annotated bibliography page on this Wiki offers a good guide for thinking about what each annotation should contain.


40 of the 60%, i.e. 40% of the total.

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