The two tasks or assignments are obviously linked. Once you have worked out the issue you wish to pursue and begin to locate the resources for that issue you have the beginnings for the annotated bibliography and the draft of the professional journal article.
Unless you have come to the course with a burning desire to work on a specific issue, the early time in the course will be spent looking around in what you think the area of interest may be for you. This is why keeping notebooks, developing or improving your search skills, making good notes, and learning how to use bibliographic software to store the sources you locate are all important and will be improved as you do the course. Using Mindmaps (of any variety) is also a good way to help you think about what your issue might be.
Here is an illustration of scoping an issue. You might end up scoping a handful of issues initially. It is so important that you write about why you have chosen to scope each issue. It may be that you end up connecting a couple of issues because they have a common base or actually overlap.
When you think you have a bit of an idea of what you think will be your issue, pop a line about it onto this wiki and let me know what you are thinking about.
The next thing to think about is to ask the question: Where did this issue come from? What is its history?
All practices in education1began at some point in time. You should think about where the practice came from. Why was it developed. What problem(s) was it developed to address. You can't make sense of knowing where something is going unless you know where it has been. :)