Things to do first

Course profile
You are well drilled, I suspect, in how to do courses but if not, the very first thing is to get a copy of the course profile from the L@G site.

Start your notebook writing
Your notebooks are the only way to work in any postgraduate course.

Familiarise yourself with this wiki
Read the pages under Wikis (horizontal menu at the top of each page). Have a bit of a browse around to see where things are. Broadly, the skills support material is found in the horizontal menu across the top of each page and the course specific material can be found using the vertical menu on the left hand side of each page. You can also do searches or use the page tag cloud on the left hand side also.

If you have received an invitation to this wiki then you can sign onto the wiki1.

As the wiki changes, you can keep track of the changes in a few ways. The *Recent change* link at the bottom of the menu on the left hand side of every page will indicate all of the changes to the wiki, going right back. The wiki has a watching feature. Have a read of the information about the watching feature. You can watch the whole site or particular pages.

Sign on to the Google+ Community 7806EDN
The step by step instructions for this are in a file in Module 1 on the L@G site.

Basically, you need to either generate a Google email address or use an existing email address (other than the Griffith student one which will not work) to set up a Google+ account.

  1. Type the address: into your browser address bar.
  2. You will be offered the opportunity to create an account (top right of screen, red button)
  3. You will then need to generate a username and password. You can be vague about the other information but you will need to supply a name, dob, gender (can be other). You will also have to supply either your mobile phone number or a current email address. I was able to use my GU email to set up a Google+ account.
  4. You will then be nagged to add friends, photos etc. Simply skip all of that. You can always do that later if you find it useful beyond this course.
  5. It will nagging. Keep ignoring.
  6. When you finally finish you will have a new Google+ account.
  7. Send me your Google+ email address.
  8. I will send you an invitation to the G+ community. The email will be sent to your new Google+ email address.
  9. You will be offered the opportunity to view the community. Do it.
  10. Then you will be offered the opportunity to accept the invitation.
  11. Do it! And that's it.
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