Hi everyone, my name is Tony and I began my career in the sports industry. I have a degree in Sports Science, two diplomas in TESOL and a graduate certificate in Linguistics among a host of other qualifications. I'm currently studying Masters of Applied Linguistics and Grad Cert. in Education Studies. I also work full time as a Multicultural Advisor to a certain non for profit organisation on the Gold Coast. I am the only member of the organisation running the Gold Coast branch, which I started up from scratch a few years ago. If you know which organisation I work for, then you know how in demand I am, and that I am EVERYWHERE, particularly with regard to my field of work.
I've taught ESL/EFL within Australia and abroad for over 15 years, and have taught English and sport as a subject in primary and high schools overseas. I have also homeschooled my three children up until last year, so I've had first hand experience with the turmoil of the startup of the New National Curriculum (and the C2C).
I have a pretty good idea of what my paper will be about, as I feel particularly strongly about the issue. More on this later.
Good luck to everyone.